Sunday, 29 May 2011


I've recently become aware that I want to start looking at and working with branding more. It's something I have never really focused on and haven't really thought about.

 B&W is one of the studios I am contacting and I really like that they have a mix of disciplines that I'm interested in.

They have some really strong clever but simple concepts, I love the print techniques like embossing they've used.

Friday, 27 May 2011

End of module evaluation OUGD203

This module has been one of my favourites as we have been able to steer towards the area of design that we have interest in. I think this has helped also by me starting to find where I want to head with my design. 
I believe my skills with group work have improved, I really enjoyed the collaborative brief because Kim and I have similar interests and wanted to create the same kind of work. This was the first brief on the course where I have been happy with the outcome. I believe this module has allowed me to develop my type and layout skills further, carrying on from the type module and also build upon my print skills. 

My research methods admittedly could have been broader within the design practice brief especially, although I think that I am looking at more relevant context work possibly. With the Fedrigoni brief we were able to gain some of the actual stock which helped develop our work as we new what we were working with.

Within Fedrigoni brief I believe my strengths were generating ideas, Kim and I seemed to bounce ideas off each other and helped each other out with designs etc, whilst one of use did one thing the other did something else so we weren't wasting time. I think my strengths also included keeping on top of work, being organised, improving my Indesign skills, type and layout. Within the design practice brief I think a strength was knowing exactly the areas of design I wanted to work with and knowing subjects I have interest in also. I was really happy with the outcome of the Fedrigoni brief and the way we photographed the end products so I think this is another strength and from here I knew the kind of work i wanted to create. Something I've noticed within myself is my confidence and contribution to crits has improved, they used to be something I was always anxious about but during this module I have overcome this a little and improved my skills.

A weakness within the design practice brief was definitely not listening with regards to screen printing, I was determined to use this method but it turned it i wasted a lot of time and it didn't work out. I also think I have been less organised within this brief and leaving things until the last minute which I don't usually do. 

Next time I would listen to advice about not screen printing, experiment more with stock, try to create a more professional finish on all products and possibly use the help of a professional photographer to help me document my final products. 

Quality of work-3
Quantity of work-3

Tuesday, 3 May 2011


I believe the Enterprise module has been a great benefit this year with regards to learning about the industry and getting us to think about our future when we leave college and the possibilities of working for ourselves.
I feel I have gained so much useful knowledge that I can take away from this and put to use in the future. I think my strengths have been the ability to work well as a group, take lecture notes well and listen to the information given and apply it to our own group.
My weaknesses are more about leadershio, letting others take charge, maybe letting someone else deligate what I do rather than do it on my own iniative. Maybe at times also I found it hard to concentrate or engage within the group when we were struggling to come to a decision etc.

I believe that working together as a group benefitted me as I was able to learn from others and seek help rather than struggle on my own. I also think that the presentation task was very beneficial as it has taught us the structure and basics of setting up on our own and how it works in the real world.

I found some of the tasks quite challenging but they were all appropriate to the lectures and things we have learnt in the past year, I liked how everything linked together with regards to the lectures, the quizzes, the tasks and the presentation.


Monday, 2 May 2011


Manchester is an up and coming city with an exciting future for the design industry,it is the best location for our business we feel.
Our competitors and us


Partnership agreement

Partnership Agreement Basics
In case it goes wrong
partnership allows two or more people to join forces and set up a business together.
The partners will share the risks and liabilities, the management and also the profits of the business.
Again, as a partner you will be personally liable for any debt of the partnership so you stand to lose not only what you have invested in the business but also any other property that you own.
You should only form a partnership with people that you trust, you will be able to work with and who will add something to your business venture. If you look for a partner merely as a source of finance, you might be better off with paying interest to a bank.
Although statutory provisions can provide you with a basic set of internal rules it is strongly recommend that you sign a partnership agreement before you start business. Some of the statutory default rules are frankly inadequate or impractical.

While legal documentation is bespoke to each SME, feedback from solicitors has identified the following areas as forming the basis for a partnership agreement:
  1. Business of the partnership
  2. Financing the business
  3. Contribution of assets
  4. Transfer of partnership interests
  5. Rights to take a part in management
  6. Rights of ‘sleeping’ partners
  7. Administration
  8. Profit distribution